Seventh International School On Mind, Brain And Education

2012 July 30 - August 4

Teaching: A New Frontier
of the Neurocognitive
Sciences, Education
and Culture

Directors: Antonio M. Battro and Kurt W. Fischer
Program officer: MarĂ­a Lourdes Majdalani

Abstract: Miriam Reiner
Faculty of Education in Technology and Science, Technion: Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa. ISRAEL

The tacit neural components of teaching, learning and evaluation
This talk will focus on the role of the mirror neuron system in the process of teaching. The mirror neuron system (MNS) is activated when watching motor/muscular performance such as running experiments in physics or when watching the facial expression of a charismatic teacher, and is then copied by the learner. Gestures also activate the mirror neuron system, and convey factual/conceptual, dynamic and emotional information. I will present a framework on the crucial role of the MNS in the teaching-learning context, based on results of three experiments (fMRI and EEG). Evaluation of learning based on EEG measures, in real-time, during learning, and directly through the brain, will be described.