Sixth International School On Mind, Brain And Education

2011 August 3-7

Education in the
Digital Era

Directors: Antonio M. Battro and Kurt W. Fischer
Program officer: María Lourdes Majdalani

Abstract: Hirokazu Atsumori
Hitachi, Japan

A wearable optical topography system: towards brain science and education
We developed a wearable optical topography (WOT) system that has 22 measurement channels covering the entire forehead for mapping the oxy- and deoxy-Hb signals related to activation in dorsolateral and rostral prefrontal areas in humans. The wearable units of the system weigh about 1 kg, so the WOT system enables us to observe activation in a subject’s prefrontal areas in a natural environment. The WOT system will not only contribute to the progress in brain science, but also bring its applications out of the laboratory. I will discuss its potential in science and education.